
Visit Finland online WebiWorkshop – Finland, Winter Wonderland


Webinar 18.10.2022 - 19.10.2022

10:00-18:00 EST for Asian and European buyers 18.10.2022, 16:00-22:00 EST for North American and European buyers 19.10.2022

Event Information

Welcome to join the Visit Finland global webinar & workshop on 18.-19.10.2022.

The event consists of a webinar and an online workshop, inviting global buyers to learn more about Finland and to network during 15-min prearranged meetings. During the webinar we will inspire the audience with great winter experts from all over Finland.

Timeline before the event:

  • Registration for Finnish exhibitors open until: 9.9.2022
  • Matchmaking starts 27.9.2022
  • The event takes place on 18.-19.10.2022

Further Information

Sara Snäll, Specialist
sara.snall (at)